Ice floe – dream interpretation

If an area of ​​ice breaks up, for example due to heating of the water, individual pieces of ice often drift apart and then float on the water as ice floes. This can be the case on flowing water as well as on stagnant water. An ice floe always consists of frozen fresh water, even if it floats on the sea.

This is because when salt water crystallizes into ice, the salt remains in the surrounding water or in inclusions in the ice. Ice floes floating on a river can pose a great danger because they can get stuck between bridge pillars and put enormous pressure on them.

If someone dreams of an ice floe, they may see themselves on a boat and fear a collision with it. He may also be floating on a floe in his dream, in which case this will save him from drowning. In addition to the dream symbol itself, the association with water and cold is also important for dream interpretation.

Dream symbol “ice floe” – the general interpretation

In dream interpretation, the dream symbol “ice floe” expresses one solidification of feelings and mind. Since the ice floe was created by the warming of the water, the dream also indicates that the dreamer is already thawing in some areas and allowing emotions to a certain extent.

In general, ice is an ambivalent, conflicting dream symbol in dream interpretation: on the one hand, it is a warning of incalculable risks. On the other hand, the ice floe encourages the dreamer to put more energy into carrying out his plans.

In popular dream interpretation, the dream symbol is “ice floe”. Warning notice to envious people who do not begrudge the dreamer his happiness and who would therefore like to destroy it. Animals that sit on a dreamed ice floe, such as a polar bear, a seal, a walrus or a penguin, should be analyzed separately and then associated with the ice floe.

If you find yourself on the ice floe in a dream, it depends on how you stay on the ice. If the dream slips or slides around, the dream symbol draws his attention to the fact that his Love disappointed and hopes could be thwarted. However, if he goes for a walk on the ice floe, according to the dream interpretation, it signals that he is jeopardizing his standard of living through recklessness.

Dream symbol “ice floe” – the psychological interpretation

For the psychological dream interpretation of the dream symbol “ice floe”, the meaning of the element water must also be taken into account. It symbolizes the world of emotions and shows it in frozen form emotional coldness and detachment. The dreamer consciously withdraws from human relationships. In the dream, his subconscious shows him his fear of his own feelings and the inner compulsion to always control them.

At the same time, according to the dream interpretation, the water surrounding the ice floe offers the opportunity to delve into unconscious areas of one’s own personality. The dream symbol asks the dreamer to deal with repressed emotions and fears.

In addition, an ice floe in a dream can be a strong signal of danger. If the dream is floating helplessly on a piece of ice in the sea or on a river, the dream symbol embodies powerlessness and powerlessness according to the dream interpretation Isolation. The ice floe symbolizes that the dreamer is unreachable for other people.

In addition, the sleeper has lost control over the extent and intensity of his social contacts. In dream interpretation, the fear of life of the dreamer is expressed in the ice floe.

Dream symbol “ice floe” – the spiritual interpretation

In spiritual dream interpretation, water embodies vitality and spiritual renewal. The cold that comes from an ice floe, however, warns in a dream mental losses.

The dream symbol can therefore be understood as a request to warm up and thaw the part of the mind that has frozen in order to enable spiritual further development.

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