Rejection – dream interpretation

The fear of rejection is one of the most common human fears and everyone has certainly experienced it in one way or another. Whether it’s the boss to whom we tell that we’re no longer working overtime, or the saleswoman whose store we leave without buying anything, or the daughter-in-law who fears her mother-in-law’s jealousy.

The questions behind it are always the same: What does he or she think of me? Does he or she now have a bad impression of me and maybe not like me?

The fear of rejection is clearly evident, even if we have nothing to do with the person. We fear worse consequences that could arise for us from this apparent rejection. Especially for shy, insecure people, this perceived rejection is equated with a devastating judgment about themselves and their entire life. Being rejected often feels life-threatening for these people.

If you experience rejection or refusal in a dream, this can result in very different interpretation aspects. Because people regularly experience rejection in a wide variety of situations: a loan is rejected, a reconciliation or apology is rejected, you receive a rejection from a crush, the rejection after a job interview, the pension application is rejected.

First, let’s take a look at those dreams that are most often dreamed in connection with rejection or rejection:

Dream symbol “rejection” – The most common dreams about the symbol

Dear love: getting rejected by the crush

If the dreamer collects a so-called “basket” in the dream and experiences rejection from a person whom the person concerned loves or appreciates very much in the waking world, this dream image shows the fear of an actual loss. If the crush explains during the sleep experience that love has no chance, there is a real concern that things are not going well with their own happiness. If you are the person who rejects someone in a dream, you will probably refuse someone’s request and think about yourself.

Sexual rejection – In the dream “No!” say about sex

Sexual rejection in a dream may indicate that there is sexual frustration or an unmet sexual need. The subconscious tries to use the dream situation to encourage people to more fully fulfill their previously unfulfilled sexual desires. People often dream of sexual refusal when sexual rejection is also something they fear in reality.

If you yourself are the person in the dream who does not want sex and is defensive, then there is an aspect of life that is causing the dreamer distress. A rape that occurs in a dream shows the problem with very dominant people in the waking world. Unwanted sex can also mean aspects of one’s personality that are retrieved from the depths of the psyche and lived out.

Experiencing rejection at work – dream analysis

If dreams are about rejection at work, the subconscious wants to point out to the dreamer the fear of their own inadequacy. Then the dreamer should question whether he is perhaps burdened by fear of professional responsibility and further development or whether there is a conflict with his superior. Arguments and rejections with and by a colleague can also suddenly be experienced in our dreams; In this case, the work colleague’s behavior symbolically refers to one’s own self, which is influenced from outside. The important question here is to ask: Do I feel valued and respected by my (professional) environment? That’s probably not the case.

Dream symbol “rejection” – the general interpretation

If you look at the dream image “rejection” from the perspective of general dream interpretation, you certainly don’t associate very pleasant feelings with it. Who likes to be rejected? And experiencing such rejection in a dream can feel just as emotionally unpleasant as rejection in our real lives.

For example, if we dream of the situation in which our own boss rejects and reprimands us, we perceive this as rejection. In the dream, however, only the apprehension of the dream before the rejection of the boss. He doesn’t show himself enough respect and appreciation, doubted his qualifications and skills and, out of this self-disregard, may impose negative behavior on his superior.

Maybe there was a real situation involving a conflict between him and an authority figure. This can be reflected in the dream symbol “rejection” and makes it clear that this situation continues to concern the dreamer very much.

If one is refused communion while sleeping, this can illustrate hopes for an important office, which will soon be fulfilled despite the resistance of competitors.

Dream symbol “rejection” – the psychological interpretation

From the perspective of psychological dream interpretation, the dream image “rejection” symbolizes a shift in meaning. This means that the dreamed situation in which rejection is clearly noticeable does not correspond to the person or situation in real life.

Often the exact opposite is the case, namely that the person in question freundlich and shows affection towards the dreaming. It may be precisely because of this fact that the person affected develops a great fear of rejection and negation.

Such fears become particularly clear among people who have always had to fight for recognition and affection, who first had to earn the esteem of others, so to speak. Very often the dreamer’s thoughts in reality revolve around what others think of him. He puts every word on the scales, dissects every statement down to the last detail and looks for signs of distrust and rejection in them. The result is a constant one tension and nervousness around other people; This often results in withdrawal and social isolation.

The dream symbol “rejection” shows the dreaming how things are going with their own Self-esteem and his opinion of himself is ordered. If you often dream of situations in which you feel rejected, you should try to question the reasons for this more closely in your waking life and check the accuracy of the beliefs that have often been ingrained in you since childhood.

Dream symbol “rejection” – the spiritual interpretation

On the transcendent level, the dream image “rejection” is used as a symbol for the negative attitude the dreamer sees himself and his own spirituality.

He may feel the desire to develop further on a spiritual level and expand his consciousness. The mind, however, evaluates this need rationally and creates a denial of development.

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