fasting – dream interpretation

Fasting means abstinence. When we fast, we voluntarily abstain from food or stimulants such as sweets. Some do this to cleanse their bodies. But many also fast for religious reasons. Both aspects can also play a role when we dream about fasting.

fasting - dream interpretation

Even though we don’t really live abstinently, but rather just give up something in the dream world, this can still be perceived as difficult and exhausting.

However, as a dream symbol, fasting also has a deeper, transferred meaning. It can say a lot about the life and personality of the person affected.

Dream symbol “fasting” – the general interpretation

Basically, fasting in dreams is considered a positive symbol. Anyone who dreams of voluntarily giving up food can see this as a sign of a happy and happy future understand.

It is also quite possible that the person concerned is working on a specific venture in real life. He will be able to bring this matter to a successful conclusion soon. He will achieve his goals and fulfill his wishes. This is also accompanied by an improvement in one’s own reputation: others will recognize the dreamer’s achievements and give him a lot for what he has achieved Respect to accommodate.

However, the situation is different if the person concerned does not fast voluntarily in the dream, but is forced to do so. This compulsion can be exercised by those around him, for example because he is starving, or it can arise because there is simply nothing edible and the dreamer is starving.

In this case, the symbol “fasting” can indicate an imminent Illness Clues. It would be advisable to consult a doctor and take action in advance. The chances are good that physical deficiencies will be detected early enough.

Dream symbol “fasting” – the psychological interpretation

Fasting can be interpreted differently in the psychological interpretation of dreams. Often the symbol represents a clue from the subconscious about you Lack This is particularly true if the person concerned dreams of fasting involuntarily.

He may lack self-confidence in waking life and may not be able to assert himself well against others. He may also be confronted with problems that rob him of his energy, so that he no longer has enough strength for other things.

But anyone who consciously decides to fast in a dream is striving, according to psychoanalysts Changes at. In this case, the person affected has had less than pleasant experiences and now wants to cleanse themselves of the negative experiences and thus put an end to it. Nothing stands in the way of a happier future.

Dream symbol “fasting” – the spiritual interpretation

According to the spiritual interpretation approach, fasting occurs in a dream if the person affected new insights strives for. Through conscious renunciation, he succeeds in expanding his spiritual awareness and in the process developing personally.

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